The Transfer Activity Pages represent all crypto transfers coming in and out of your system. The table has a “Status” column, where each transfer has a corresponding status type. The Status column represents if a match has been identified within the TaxBit ecosystem. A match is when TaxBit recognizes an incoming transfer as well as its corresponding outgoing transfer within the Cost Basis Interchange network. Transfer Matches enable you to use Cost Basis Interchange, if you are a part of the Cost Basis Interchange network.
Over time, more status types and actions will become available in the Transfer Activity pages.
Please note: The transfer matching functionality is being rolled out. You may notice changes in the Status field as the roll-out progresses.
Status Types
Missing Transfer Data
TaxBit requires additional transfer details to identify if there is a match for this transfer. Visit the API Requirements Guide to learn more about the required fields for matching transfers.
TaxBit has identified the corresponding incoming or outgoing transfer within the Cost Basis Interchange network.
Not Matched
TaxBit has not yet identified the corresponding incoming or outgoing transfer within the Cost Basis Interchange Network.
Transfer Details
You can find more details about a specific transfer transaction by selecting a transfer in the Transfer Activity table. This will bring you to the “Transfer Details” window. The “Transfer Details” window contains the following information:
The direction of transfer you are looking at, whether it is a “Transfer In” or “Transfer Out”.
The date and the time the transfer occurred in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
Asset In/Out
The amount and asset code transferred.
The Status represents if there is an identified match or if more data is needed to enable matching. See the Status Types section for additional detail.
Transfer Type
The type of the transfer, if known. These transfer types include:
- Personal: The identified match indicates that both wallets involved in the transfer are owned by the same account holder.
- Other: The identified match indicates that wallets involved in the transfer are not owned by the same account holder.
The TaxBit Account ID for the transaction’s account holder. From here you can link directly to the Account Details page.
Transaction ID
The TaxBit Transaction ID for this specific transaction.
Transaction Hash
The on-chain Transaction Hash for this specific transfer.
From Address
The wallet address (if applicable) where a transfer was sent from.
To Address
The wallet address (if applicable) where the transfer was sent to.
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Transfer Activity
Transfer Data
Transfer Details